I think most women won’t always admit it but when they were little girls they always dreamed of having little girls because we learned to play dress up with Barbie not Ken (though the Ken from Toy Story 3 has such an extensive wardrobe I feel like I was missing out) so, learning you are having a boy is like missing out on all the tons of cute little dresses and lacy little things for girls… When I was pregnant with my daughter Lulu we didn’t know her gender till she arrived and we were both (no secret) convinced she was a boy – maybe because she was sending us boy vibes or maybe because I didn’t want to feel let down – we gave her a theme of space and I dressed her in navy and grey as I acquired pieces before she joined us on this planet. When she arrived I was over the moon to turn her into a space babe! I learned so much about clothing and baby clothing from her but when the time came for her to have a sibling we chose a new theme fantasy with an emphasis on dragons and I dreamt of all the adorable little clothes Lulu had being passed down to her little sister while adding some dragon themed items to the mix that when we learned fairly early on we were not giving her a little sister but a little brother I was a little lost – excited still but lost on the fashion front – I literally had to search pinterest for “Cute baby boy clothes” and “Baby boy haircuts” because It’s all so new to me – I still don’t know when he is supposed to get his hair cut or what it will look like? But I have managed to get him some great little outfits. I wanted him to be pretty dapper and absurdly a boy- so, I love suspenders and overalls, I love things with tiny pockets and we were gifted a good amount of Star Wars and Harry Potter pieces because… well, people know us. What I’ve learned is it’s easy to be a boy mom if you have the internet, access to Target, Old Navy, and GAP. I’ve also found a couple cute things on Etsy or other little places I’ll share. One thing I can’t help but notice that’s maybe a boy thing or a second time mom thing is that damn, all kids are so different so don’t ever base sizing on anything other than a very rough guide – Lulu grew extremely slow and wore her clothes so much – Julian grows extremely fast and some stuff I’m lucky if he wears once…it’s heart breaking when you fall in love with one little outfit and they outgrow it after one wear. So, buy sparingly accept all the hand-me-downs… don’t be afraid of passing the love along to pregnant friends when your kids haven’t worn their clothing and take good care of their clothes so that stains are thoroughly removed (spit up turns yellow, poop turns yellow, pee turns yellow… as it ages any stain gets worse…. so, really strive to be a good stain detective)
Without any further chatter some of my faves…

Suspenders and jeans with a denim bonnet – this is probably my favorite look for this kid – it’s like hipster and prospector all in one… this green onesie that says “take me to the kids tent” Russ bought for Lulu in New Orleans when she was a few weeks old and he went on his first trip leaving us at home – it was so sweet to know he wasn’t just enjoying the blissful extra hours of sleep while he was away and was missing us and thinking of us while he was gone. I’m so happy to see new life for it as Julian has worn it several times… these jeans with attached suspenders and the denim bonnet both came from Target and I couldn’t bear the thought of him growing out of them so I got them both in the next size up too.

This dragon shirt is a tee which I loved T-shirts for Lulu so I got a bunch for Julian – but in the ol’ every kid is different – Lulu was not a baby that put everything in her mouth she wanted her binkie and nothing else would do – Julian loves grabbing the ends of a t-shirt and nibbling on it and pulling it over his face but I got a couple different things with these adorable dragons on them from Marks & Spenser (which I had never heard of – think maybe because it’s British – before I got some targeted Facebook ads for cute baby clothes)
This little Woodland Animal Overall has been a favorite it’s super soft and adorable and came from AliExpress – I also love plain black onesies and tees which are hard to find for babies but I can always could on Primary.com or Old Navy to have them!

Here is the same Target Cat & Jack Denim Jeans with attached suspenders but with the shirt they came with – also love this shirt!

This Dragon onesie has also been a favorite – I loved Rosie Pope onesies and pants for Lulu and I love Rosie Pope for Julian too. I think I found this one on amazon but her styles typically have themes and come in a five pack – they make amazing gifts because a 5-pack is extremely affordable (under $20 If I remember correctly) and they always have the cutest theme to fit whatever parent you are gifting for – I recently bought a swan princess set for a friend.

This little romper killed me – it’s from GAP so you gotta wait till GAP has some great sales because their kids clothes are not cheap but it was Yoda and the back says “Too Cute I am” – I would buy it in every size if I could fathom spending the money…

This is another Lulu hand-me-down but I love it on Julian – his little Captain Picard onesie is so cute on him – it was a gift from his amazon registry I think from We Love Fine (company is now called “for fans by fans”) one of the great thing about this particular onesie was the 0-6 months sizing – it has been able to grow with him.
This is in no one ALL of my favorite pieces he has or even favorites from Newborn to 3-6 months – this is just a little sprinkling of the styles I am digging for him and more me just checking in – in my sleepy new mom / mom of a toddler daze. Things have been pretty crazy around here. It’s September which is when both my husband and I have back to back birthdays we tend to travel for pleasure and for festivals (we still perform our Harry Potter Themed Improv Comedy with The Show That Shall Not be Named) this time of year. We start planning our Halloween and Holiday season. We also have been pretty busy as Julian has carved out a little career as a baby actor here in Los Angeles… not sure how long it will last but it’s a sweet little side gig for our sweet little man. On top of all of that above mentioned stuff I have been going through a bit of a rough patch as I’ve been dealing with the after effects of a pretty terrible car accident that left me without a car and in tremendous pain. It wasn’t our fault so we’ve been able to get a new car pretty quickly but on top of the physical pain I have had pretty crippling postpartum anxiety and stress and that has led to some pretty freaky PTSD as a passenger in cars – it’s so weird – and mental health and physical health are things we don’t talk to moms about enough. All of that being said as unsure as I was to become a mom of a boy – this lil one imprinted so quickly on my heart – he is nothing but sweetness, cuddles, giggles, and drool. He has me wrapped around his finger. I wasn’t sure my heart could find all the extra room it has for him but man oh, man… I can’t stop giving him big ol’ cheek kisses, cuddling him for hours, nursing him peacefully in my arms, or trying (not very hard) to continue to make him giggle. He has the best temperament of any baby I have ever seen and it’s definitely why he is so in demand on set to play the baby. Baby boy diapers are so much easier to change – especially when he poops 1x a day in a pretty predictable manner. I stopped getting peed on pretty much after his 1st month of life as I figured out his rhythm and he figured out mine. Being a boy mom is the tops, y’all. Listen Lulu is still great in so many ways and she is really fun to dress and watching her grow and learn is thrilling but there is something so different and calm about having a sweet little boy that will just melt your damn heart.