Last August (on my third wedding anniversary) I shared a recap of my super geek chic Las Vegas Wedding.
At the time, I was obsessed with the idea of dedicating a section of our site to Fashionably Nerdy Weddings. Somehow, life always manages to get in the way of our best intentions, and I never actually wrote anything further about my (or any other) nerdy weddings.
Especially now that Stephanie is engaged, and will no doubt eventually want to start sharing her planning process for her own amazing wedding, I wanted to revisit the topic of weddings.
I was recently contacted by one of the managers at an auction style website called I’m not really familiar with the site, and cannot provide a review of their services, but he asked me about my engagement story, and whether or not I would want to share that on our site.
I was interested in the prompt, especially since I had already been considering rebooting our wedding section, so I decided I would share the story of my husband’s amazing proposal, and tell you a little bit about my unique engagement ring.
Our (Star Wars) Proposal Story
The weekend of March 16-18, 2012 a couple of our closest friends accompanied (my then boyfriend) Mark and I to WonderCon, a pop culture/comic book convention in Anaheim, CA.
It was my birthday weekend, and Mark and I couldn’t pass up the chance to head to another one of those “nerd” conventions. It is just our style.
On St. Patrick’s day, we hung out at a party at the main hotel bar in our green Star War’s shirts. Mark’s featured Boba Fett, while mine had Yoda. We always start celebrating my birthday on Paddy’s day, hence the tiara. 😉
The entire weekend, Mark had planned to propose, but one factor or another kept preventing his grandiose plans from coming to fruition. He initially planned to propose inside a TARDIS, but was upset to learn that there was no TARDIS at the Con that year. Bad Luck.
The next day, he decided he would organize a group of Doctor Who Cosplayers to propose in front of, because he saw so many on day one. Unfortunately most of them chose not to dress in Doctor Who cosplay again the next day.
On the last day of the convention and my birthday, our friends, Mark and I headed back home. We were sad the trip was over, and we were both feeling anxious to get bck. When we returned home, Mark took me out to a delicious birthday dinner at “Baby Blues Barbecue” (one of my favorite spots).
After the meal, we grabbed a bottle of wine, and headed back home to toast my birthday before heading out to meet up with some friends.
Mark asked me to light the candle on the coffee table (a star wars lightsaber candlestick holder from, with a long red taper candle that I had given him for Valentine’s day) and AFTER I lit the candle, Mark pointed out something was on the candlestick. I looked closer and noticed the gorgeous ring was waiting for me, wrapped around the red candle.
I took it off (without blowing the candle out) and turned around. Mark was down on one knee. He took my hand and asked, “Sam, will you marry me?”
I told him that I was going to cry, and he burst out, “well, don’t say no!” I started laughing as I said yes, and wrapped my arms around him. We finished our glasses of wine, while talking about the future and laughing. I was so happy I was shaking.
We went out to celebrate our engagement and my birthday with good friends at Barney’s Beanery in West Hollywood, the place where we first met.
My Very Unique (And Nerdy) Engagement Ring

My ring is not a diamond (which I am not a fan of) but instead is the very stunning Moissanite. Moissanite is a rare, naturally-occurring gemstone that is typically found in small quantities in meteorites, corundum deposits, and kimberlite.
So basically, my stunning rock came from space (how very appropriate for a Star Wars Proposal). I love it , but not nearly as much as I love the man who gave it to me.
Do you have a nerdy proposal story or wedding? Let us know, and we might share your story on our site!
This is NOT a featured post. contacted us and asked me to tell our story. We received no compensation or goods in exchange for this post, and we do not make any claims as to the services provided by their website.