Holy wow! I am completely stunned and taken aback by the outpouring of love and support Stephanie, Anastasia, Xander and myself received attending this year’s Comikaze Convention. This was an extremely special weekend, and if not for a mild case of Con Crud, I would have written this post sooner.
Stephanie and I were honored to co-moderate our first official Fashionably Nerdy panel on Saturday at 11:00. Considering we were an early panel on the morning after Halloween, I would say we had a great showing. Our room was filled with an interested and involved audience who asked great questions and even stayed in the halls with us after the panel to continue the discussions.

The Panel consisted of the four of us, along with some of our favorite designers.
Lauren Bregman of Castle Coresetry
Victoria Schmidt of Gold Bubble Clothing
Venus Marenco of Geeky U
The panel was an amazing success, and we cannot wait to return next year for another great panel with even more designers.
On Sunday, I returned to speak on the incredible panel that I spoke on at this year’s Comic-Con back in July. The panel, #SPARK Your Creativity: A Call to Action! was originally aimed at inspiring female content creators to unite to create more female driven content, but has actually developed quite the male following.

To be honest, all we really want to do is to inspire ANYONE with an idea to just go out and put it into motion. The panel featured:
- Stephanie Pressman (moderator), Fashionably Nerdy, Jet Set Nerds, Stalking LaVar
- Stephanie Thorpe, Elfquest
- Heidi Cox, Stalking LeVar
- Samantha Mason, Legends of Atoll, Fashionably Nerdy, Skycaptain Adventures!
- Anastasia Washington, Nerd Reactor, Jet Set Nerds, Joy Ride
- Patty Jean Robinson, Pike & Trident
- Helenna Santos, Ms. in the Biz
- Kristen Nedopak, The Geekie Awards, The Skyrim Paradies
- America Young, Chimaera Project

I love speaking with these ladies, and just getting to see them. We all have such busy schedules, that for many of us, these conventions are the only time we interact. But the panel was wonderful and we have been so amazed by the response we have received following this great day. Check out this great article about the panel, featured on PopCults.com.
Aside from the panels, we met some awesome people and designers. I was thrilled to finally meet Traci Hines, the adorable face behind Adorkable Apparel.

I adore her line and can not wait to get my own mermaid shells t-shirt! Look for her interview soon.
We also interviewed the owner of Ink Whiskey. They make an amazing line of Concealable Entertainment Flasks that are shaped like old school Nintendo games and they are the coolest things I have ever seen.

They just announced their new line of Flasks, which will soon be available for pre-order.
Some other great finds was the line by Mandala Fashions Company, who I was unaware of before the Con.

I love their clothing and CANNOT wait to get my hands on something from them. They clothes are fun, seem incredibly comfortable and the designs are inspired.
Stephanie hooked up with Tiffany from Whosits & Whatsits, and was raving about their Disney inspired fashions. Love that Disney fashion is now so available for the older generations. This booth was no exception. I super want the Wandering Oaken’s Tacky Sweater!

Stephanie picked up this lovely “Let it Go” shirt while at the booth.

All in all, we had a fantastic convention. I am a big fan of the smaller Cons (though don’t expect this to stay small for long). We had a blast and I for one cannot wait to return next year!