You’d think being forced to be inside for nearly 6 months during COVID lockdown would keep me busy blogging – however, it’s actually made me unable to blog constantly trying to entertain 2 toddlers while my husband is working from home. That being said I have a new list of TV shows, albums, and toys that will keep your kids brains and bodies active while you relax on the couch (or make lunch, do dishes, laundry, etc). Of course, obviously, it’s best to actually take your children outside to explore the world – but at this time we have no playgrounds, museums, and the parks are limited – so, if you don’t have a huge backyard to explore here are some educational suggestions to keep you sane and your kids brains expanding!
TV Shows
Alphablocks & Numberblocks
These amazing shows are both brought to us by the BBC and while we used to get our fix on youtube they now are also streaming on Netflix! They help kids with letter sounds, word building, reading, and addition and subtraction. HIGHLY Recommend! My 3 year old has been into it for awhile but my 1 year old loves it too! Bonus – I love any show with accents and this one is steeped in standard British speakers.

Puffin Rock
Extremely soothing Irish show about sister and brother Puffins named Oona & Baba and their adventures with other sea adjacent creature friends – gently teaches about different animals and sea life. Bonus – Irish accents and narrated by Chris O’dowd – orginally a Nick Jr. show we watch on Netflix

Word Party
This was my daughter’s favorite show for a long time and now my son loves it… it’s a Jim Henson Company show – so that means tons of learning vocabulary building and super catchy songs that appear every episode! Bonus: the latest season includes learning mandarin as they add a Chinese cast member, a turtle named Tilly

Hooked on Phonics
It works for me!!!! Ok, if you don’t remember Hooked on Phonics commercials from childhood – you are either extremely young or you lived under a rock and never watched TV – that aside – I never watched it until now – and it’s awesome! Find it on Youtube.
Daniel Tiger
Ok, so did you like Mr. Rogers? A lot of the same writing staff and characters are from Mr. Rogers Neighborhood. You need a catchy jingle for controlling your temper? separation anxiety? potty training? This show is the best EVER for that! Tons of learning! Watch on PBS Kids, Amazon Prime or Youtube.
We always listen to CD’s in the car – why? Because when on a road trip, or in a parking garage we won’t ever lose a signal of the radio or streaming. So…. by far our favorite albums right now are all by the same band… wait for it….
They Might Be Giants
yup, the same band you are thinking of that sing… “Istanbul was once Constantinople”… but their albums aren’t kid friendly you’re thinking as you are reliving your adolescence in your mind… THEY HAVE CHILDREN’s ALBUMs and THEY are INCREDIBLE!!!!!

They Might Be Giants – Here Comes Science –
is probably our favorite – My 3 year old proclaims “this is my favorite song!!!!!!!!!” at the top of her lungs so enthusiastically that she is mostly inaudible… every time the song “ROY G BIV” comes on and she sings about the colors of the spectrum – My Husband knows every word to “The Sun is a mass of incandescent gas” and every single song is a complete winner – so, go to amazon right now and buy this album! You can thank me later… I like cheese – send me cheese…

They Might Be Giants – Here come the 123’s
My daughter loves the song about “High five, low five, down low… too slow” and this album also features the songs “Hot Dog” and “Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Theme” from Disney Junior’s Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (which they obviously did the music for).

They Might Be Giants – Here come the ABC’s
The song that my daughter is obsessed with on this album is “E eats everything” but really all 3 of these albums are terrific and a must have for every nerdy parent.
Workouts? Seriously? Why does my toddler have to workout? They don’t but in COVID times it’s hard to get my kids to get all their wiggles out and a kid that has too many wiggles has a hard time going and staying asleep and if they don’t sleep they can’t grow so let’s wiggle our kids!

Cosmic Kids Yoga
Australian teaches toddler friendly yoga… in Aussie accent (love accents!) and she bases most of her sessions on themes…. mermaids, Trolls, Harry Potter, Frozen – if your kids are nerds like you and are obsessed with pop culture – super easy sell! You can find this on Youtube and Amazon Prime.

Frozen Dance Class
Great Youtube find! It’s toddler friendly dance class set to “Into the Unknown” from Frozen 2 and this teacher has several other Disney Dance classes available.
Family Workout
My 3 year old loves doing this one with me and we both get a pretty good jolt of cardio – my one year old likes to hang on to my leg… this is on YouTube.
We have compiled a list of Nerdy books in the past… so I’ll link you to that here…
Perfection & Uno – they make little kid versions of both of these games and my 3 year old thinks it’s such a treat when we play
What are YOUR go-to toddler educational distractions? Did I hit any you love or miss any I truly have to know about? Let me know – leave a comment!
Oh, also important to note – This is not an ad… like at all – none of these are affiliate links – I’m not making any money these are for real the things that are keeping me from throwing my children in a playpen with a loaf of bread and telling them to fend for themselves. If any of these brands or entities want to send us stuff feel free – I’ll say it again — I love cheese (like actual cheese made of dairy)